The Critical Role of Hormonal Balance in Women’s Well-Being
Do you know hormonal imbalance in women is the major cause of many chronic health problems? Self-care extends beyond investing in endless skincare products, doing your nails, and using human hair extensions. It’s time to give attention to your hormones, as they play a vital role in your overall health. As women, especially those who …
ስለ GAPS አመጋገብ እና በቤት ውስጥ ልጆችን ትምህርት ማስተማር ከሜላት ማሞ ጋር (MPH)
ክፍል 2 – Gut & Psychology Syndrome ስለ GAPS አመጋገብ እና በቤት ውስጥ ልጆችን ትምህርት ማስተማር ከሜላት ማሞ ጋር (MPH) በዚህ የእናትHood ፓድካስት ክፍል ካለፈው የቀጠለ ዉይይት ከሜላት ማሞ ጋር ስለ GAPS አመጋገብና ልጆችን በቤት ውስጥ ስለማስተማር ተጨዋውተናል። ሜላት በተከታታይ ሁለት ክፍሎች የልጇን የቆዳ ህመም (Eczema) ለማዳን እና ለቤተሰቧ ጤና የረዳትን የ GAPS (Gut and …
Easy Chicken Drumstick Soup – Delicious, Nourishing, and Versatile
Do you want chicken soup for dinner? Or are you sick with your family but don’t have the energy to cut a whole chicken to make soup? I’ve got you! When it comes to cooking, drumsticks or chicken legs are my easy go-to for chicken soup or Ethiopian doro wot. Trust me, I know the …
Why I Embrace Fever and How It Benefits My Child’s Health
Recently, our household experienced an episode of the flu with soaring fever, courtesy of my son’s new school adventure. While the illness didn’t lead to complications or require hospitalization, witnessing my three children unwell was undoubtedly unsettling. In the midst of their discomfort, I found myself delving into a sea of research and posing endless …
Grandparents Day: A Blend of Intuitive Wisdom, Health, and Simplicity
On this special occasion of Grandparents Day, I find myself reminiscing about the extraordinary people who played a pivotal role in shaping my life—my grandparents. Growing up in Ethiopia, I had the privilege of being raised by my grandparents. Despite their lack of formal education and living in a third-world country, embodied a wisdom that …
Here is Why My Children are The Healthiest!?
Living in the USA and raising little children comes with opportunities and challenges. One of the unique challenges in this country is the health and well-being of children. Even though the US is the wealthiest and a country with advanced medical theologies, it ranks at the bottom in children’s health outcomes almost in all areas …
Midwifery care in Ethiopia -የሚድዋይፈሪ (Midwifery) አገልግሎት በኢትዮጵያ ከረድኤት እንዳለው (Clinical midwife, Msc)
የሚድዋይፈሪ (Midwifery) አገልግሎት በኢትዮጵያ ከረድኤት እንዳለው (Clinical midwife, Msc) በዚህ የእናትHood ፓድካስት ክፍል ከረድኤት እንዳለው ጋር ስለ ሚድዋይፈሪ (Midwifery) አገልግሎት ተወያይተናል። ለሴቶች እና እናቶች የሚሰጠውን አገልግሎት እንዲሁም በእርግዝና እና ወሊድ ጊዜ የሚድዋይፍ (Midwife) የሚሰጡትን እገዛ ጨምሮ ሌሎችም መረጃዎች አካፍላናለች። መልካም ቆይታ። ረድኤት እንዳለው በኢትዮጵያ የምትኖር ሚድዋይፍ (Clinical midwife, Msc) ናት። በአቻሞ ዩንቨርስቲ አስተማሪ ናት። እማ …
Healthy & Nontoxic Living ጤናማ ኑሮ እና ከመርዛማ ንጥረ ነገር የፀዳ የአኗኗር ዘይቤ ከህይወቴ በቀለ (MPH)
ጤናማ ኑሮ እና ከመርዛማ ንጥረ ነገር የፀዳ የአኗኗር ዘይቤ ከህይወቴ በቀለ (MPH) የተደረገ ውይይት በዚህ የእናትHood ፓድካስት ክፍል የማህበረሰብ ጤና ባለሙያ (MPH) ከሆነችው ከህይወቴ በቀለ ጋር ስለ ጤናማ ኑሮ እና ከመርዛማ ንጥረ ነገር የፀዳ የአኗኗር ዘይቤ ተወያይተናል። በጣም ብዙ ጠቃሚ መረጃዎችን አካፍላናለች። ሀሳብ አስተያየታችሁን አካፍሉን። ጥያቄ ካላችሁም ብትልኩልን እንመልሳለን። ተመልክታችሁ ወይም አድምጣችሁ ከወደዳችሁት ለጓደኛ ወይም …
እናትHood ፖድካስት – EnatHood Podcast The Best Habesha Motherhood POdcast
እንኳን ደህና መጣችሁ!! Welcome!! እናትHood ፖድካስት| EnatHood podcast ስለ እናትነትና እና እናት ስለሚመለከታት ሁሉ ነገር ላይ ትኩረት የሰጠ ፖድካስት ነው። እርግዝና ፣ ወሊድ ፣ የልጅ እንክብካቤ ፣ ወላጅነት እና ጤናማ የአኗኗር ዘይቤ ምርጫዎችን ጨምሮ የተለያዩ ርዕሰ ጉዳዮችን ይሸፍናል። ተዘጋጅቶ የሚቀርበው በሐና ኃይሌ ከ ጦማር ነው። EnatHood podcast is dedicated to motherhood and what a …
Easiest, Simplest, and Inexpensive Ways for Healthy Living
My inspiration for easy, simple, and inexpensive healthy living are my grandparents. I grew up with my grandparents in Ethiopia. They are the healthiest people I’ve ever known. My grandfather passed away after the age of a hundred. My grandmother is still alive, and she is also close to the age of a hundred. Both …