Understanding Speech Delays in Bilingual Kids: An Immigrant Mom’s Perspective
One concern that many parents, including myself, may encounter is speech delays in bilingual children. Understanding how to identify these delays, the difference between language and speech, and how to support our children can make a world of difference in their communication journey. As an immigrant mom raising bilingual children, I understand the unique challenges …
Navigating the Screen Time Dilemma: Understanding Virtual Autism from a Parent’s Perspective
As a mother, I’ve noticed a concerning trend in our community. The term “Virtual Autism” has become a buzzword, but it’s causing more confusion than clarity, especially for parents. Too often, children exhibiting symptoms of autism or speech delay are being mislabeled as having “virtual autism” due to excessive screen time. It’s time to set …
Preparing for School: Tips for Your Child Smooth Transition
Embarking on my almost-four-year-old son’s journey into school for the first time was incredibly overwhelming. I couldn’t shake off the fear of him not enjoying school, struggling to make friends, or experiencing tears and anxiety. But to my delight, he thrived! Over two months have passed, and his teacher shares glowing reports daily. He never …
Why I Embrace Fever and How It Benefits My Child’s Health
Recently, our household experienced an episode of the flu with soaring fever, courtesy of my son’s new school adventure. While the illness didn’t lead to complications or require hospitalization, witnessing my three children unwell was undoubtedly unsettling. In the midst of their discomfort, I found myself delving into a sea of research and posing endless …
ስለ GAPS አመጋገብ ፣ እናትነት እና ኑሮ በአቡዳቢ ከሜላት ማሞ (MPH, licensed ASCP)
በዚህ የእናትHood ፓድካስት ክፍል ከሜላት ማሞ ጋር ስለ እናትነት ፣ በቤት ውስጥ ሙሉ ጊዜ መሆንና ቤተሰብን መንከባከብ ፣ እና ስለ ኑሮ በአቡዳቢ ተጨዋውተናል። በሰፊው የልጇን የቆዳ ህመም (Eczema) ለማዳን እና ለቤተሰቧ ጤና የረዳትን የ GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) የአመጋገብ ልምድ ላይ ያላትን እውቀትና ልምድ እንዲሁም የለት ተለት ተሞክሮ አካፍላናለች።ጠቃሚ ሆኖ እንደምታገኙት እርግጠኛ ነኝ። መልካም …
Creative Ways to Inspire Your Kids’ Love for Learning
Guest article provided by: Anya Willis FitKids.info The journey to unlocking the potential of young minds starts with igniting their enthusiasm for learning. Beyond just providing educational materials, parents play a pivotal role in creating an environment that fosters curiosity and discovery. In this article, we will delve into innovative strategies designed to keep children not only …
Motherhood Magic: Embracing the Blessing of Three Under Four
As a mother of three under four, each day feels like an extraordinary whirlwind of love, chaos, and cherished moments. My journey into this realm of motherhood reached a new pinnacle three months ago when I gave birth naturally to my third child, beautifully assisted by midwives. The dynamics at home shifted once again. Welcoming …
Ultimate Baby Registry Checklist: Must-Have Items on Amazon
This post contains affiliate links. Click here to read my affiliate policy. In this ultimate baby registry checklist, I’m thrilled to share my insights and must-have items for new parents, drawing from my personal experiences. As a mother of three, I’ve embarked on this exciting journey of parenthood multiple times, each experience bringing unique joys and challenges. …
በእርግዝና ጊዜ ማጥባት እና ሁለት ልጆችን በጋራ ማጥባት – Breastfeeding during Pregnancy and Tandem Nursing
በሶስት አመት የጡት ማጥባት ጉዞዬ ውስጥ ያደረግኩት በእርግዝና ጊዜ ማጥባት እና ሁለት ልጆችን በጋራ ማጥባት ብዙ ጥያቄና አስተያየት ያስተናገድኩበት ነው። ሳይንስ የሚለውን እና የራሴን ልምድ በዚህ ክፍል አካፍያለሁ። ጠቃሚ ሆኖ እንደምታገኙት ተስፋ አደርጋለሁ። 💫 ተመልክታችሁ ወይም አድምጣችሁ ከወደዳችሁት ለጓደኛ ወይም ለወዳጅ ለቤተሰብ አካፍሉት።
የእናት ጡት ወተት ማለብ ጠቃሚ ልምዶች ከብርቱካን አሊ ጋር (CRNA, DNP) – Breast Milk Pumping Best Practice
የእናት ጡት ወተት ማለብ ጠቃሚ ልምዶች የነሀሴን ወር የጡት ማጥባት ግንዛቤ ወር መሆኑን አስመልክተን በተከታታይ የጡት ማጥባት ዉይይቶችን እያደረግን በመሆኑ ከአድማጮች የተነሱ ስለ ጡት ወተት ማለብ እና አቆይቶ መጠቀም ጥያቄዎችን ከብርቱካን አሊ ጋር በመወያየት ከልምድና ከሙያዋ ብዙ ጠቃሚ መረጃዎችን አካፍላናለች። 🌟 በውይይታችን የተጠቀሱ ጡት ወተት ማለቢያ እና ማስቀመጫ 🌟 የቀደሙ የጡት ማጥባት ዉይይቶች ክፍሎች 👉🏾 …
3 Easy to Make Healthy Nurishing Probiotics Popsicles for Toddlers
These popsicles are a fantastic way to beat the heat while giving your kids a tasty wellness boost. As the scorching Texas (where we live) summer heat takes center stage, what better way to keep your little ones cool and nourished than delicious, homemade popsicles? Probiotic popsicles are even better! These three easy to make mouthwatering …
Benefits of Breast Milk for Children – የእናት ጡት ወተት ጥቅም ለልጆች ከህይወቴ በቀለ (MPH)
የእናት ጡት ወተት ጥቅም ለልጆች August Breastfeeding Awarness Month የነሀሴን ወር የጡት ማጥባት ግንዛቤ ወር መሆኑን አስመልክተን በዚህ የእናትHood ፓድካስት ክፍል የማህበረሰብ ጤና ባለሙያ (MPH) ከሆነችው ከህይወቴ በቀለ ጋር ስለ የእናት ጡት ወተት ለልጆች ያለውን ጥቅም ተወያይተናል። እናም ጠቃሚ መረጃዎችን አካፍላናለች። በተጨማሪም በህይወቴ የYouTube channel ላይ ጡት ማጥባት ለእናቶች ያለውን ጥቅም ተወያይተናል። በጣም ጥሩ መረጃዎችን …